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Fees for private sellers


Listing fees

Sellers can list for free on House Of Deen. After using your monthly allocation of 100 free listings. All additional listing will be charged 89p for each new listing created.


Final value fees

When your item sells, you pay 10% of the final transaction value, including postage. We call this a final value fee. 

If your item doesn't sell you usually don't pay a final value fee. However, if you offer or reference your contact information to another user or ask a buyer for their contact information, in the context of buying or selling outside of House Of Deen, we charge a final value fee for introducing you to the buyer. In this case, the final value fee is based on the fixed price.


Final value fee credits

If for some reason the buyer doesn't pay, you need to either cancel the sale or report it as an unpaid item in order to be eligible for a final value fee credit.


Fees for optional listing upgrades

Certain features, like adding a subtitle, do require an additional fee, but these optional listing upgrades can help your listing stand out and attract more buyers. We charge optional listing upgrade fees per listing regardless of whether your item sells – these fees are not included in your allocation of free listings. If you choose to relist your item, optional listing upgrade fees apply again..


Other terms and conditions

We always want to make sure we're clear about the fees we charge, so here are some details you should be aware of:

  • All fees displayed on this page are inclusive of VAT at 20%

  • If you use supplemental services, such as buying and printing postage labels through HOD, you'll pay any costs or fees associated with those services. Details of the costs or fees will be on your monthly invoice and we'll charge the payment method you've set up on your seller account

  • Listing fees and optional listing upgrade fees apply to each listing you create, are charged at the time of listing or relisting, as applicable, and are non-refundable. Fee amounts are based on the terms in effect when the listing goes live and when it renews. If you select more than one category for your listing, listing and optional listing upgrade fees apply for each category

  • If your payment method fails or your account is overdue, we reserve the right to limit or suspend the services which HOD provides to you.

  • There may be instances when your listing doesn't immediately appear in search results. This can take up to 24 hours. We can't guarantee exact listing durations.

  • Seller fees don't purchase exclusive rights to web pages on HOD. We may, at our sole discretion and without consent from or payment to sellers, display third-party advertisements (including links and references thereto) and listings from other sellers on any HOD page.


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