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Why sell on House Of Deen (HOD)?


Selling on House of deen is quick and simple. See why thousands of people from all over the world turn their unwanted items into extra cash by selling with us.

Working from Home
Female Doctor

Selling with us is easy


With our easy-to-use tools, you can be selling while you're waiting for the toast to get toasted.


  1. Snap a photo of your item and write a good description. We walk you through the steps.

  2. Get paid fast. When your item sells, we make it easy for buyers to pay you.

  3. Box up your item and say farewell. You made a sale!

You can sell almost anything


From Penny Black stamps to the latest smartphones, there's space for it on HOD.


People from across the UK sell with us for all kinds of reasons.

  • Moving home.

  • Upgrading your phone.

  • Clearing out your wardrobe.

  • Saving for a big purchase.

Koran Lessons
Stained Glass Lanterns
Smiling Woman
Smiling Man
Working from Home
Smiling Young Woman

One of the world’s fastest growing marketplaces


HOD has over 120 UK buyers since its launch in 2020,  there's a great chance you'll find a buyer for your item.

                  With that many shoppers, you've got a great chance of finding someone who wants what you've to got sell.

We make selling easy:


  • Our mobile app allows you to list items and track sales on the go.

  • Our seller protection plan helps you sell with confidence.

  • PayPal offers a safer, hassle-free way to get paid.

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